Monday, April 30, 2007

Bring 'em Home

OK, so I'm really not getting how to do a lot of fancy things on this blog, like for instance a simple link. But at least the content is there.

Campaign Manager Dave Contarino sent the following message to supporters across the country today.

Dear Friend,

Bill Richardson is the only major candidate who would withdraw ALL American troops troop from Iraq before the end of 2007. At the debate in South Carolina, he repeated his commitment to leaving behind no residual force.

Every other major candidate supports leaving at least some troops behind. While others refine and rephrase their positions, Bill Richardson is the only major candidate who is committed to getting all our troops out and ending this war.

It's time to bring the troops home. All of them. Click here to support Bill Richardson's plan to end the war in Iraq.

Pundits analyzing the debate seemed more interested in haircuts and horse races than the crucial distinction on which candidate will really end this war.

With your help, our campaign can overcome all that and bring experienced, competent leadership back to the White House. But to do that we must build a chorus of right-minded voice committed to doing what's necessary to protect American lives and end the violence in Iraq.

If you believe America should withdraw all our troops from Iraq as soon as possible, then I urge you to take immediate action in support of Governor Richardson and his plan to bring the troops home.

It's time to bring the troops home. All of them. Click here to support Bill Richardson's plan to end the war in Iraq.

Governor Richardson is the most qualified and experienced candidate in this race. He's been to Iraq, he knows and understands the region. He knows that our presence there is no longer helping, and indeed is playing into the hands of our enemies, including Al Qaeda.

He knows that we have to bring our troops home because there is no military solution to Iraq's political crisis. The Iraqis must take responsibility for their security, their government, and their future. As the Governor has said, "They need to stop killing each other and start compromising."

We need to get out of their way. Our troops have done their job under terrible circumstances, but now they are stuck in the middle of a civil war. Jihadist propaganda exploits the American presence to foment more hate and violence. Sixty percent of Iraqis say it is justifiable to kill Americans. Eighty percent want us to leave.

Only Governor Richardson has shown the wisdom to call for the withdrawal of every American troop before the end of 2007. Every single one.


Dave Contarino
Campaign Manager
Richardson for President

P.S. Please share this message with your friends and family. Once they see the crucial differences in this field of candidates, I am certain they will side with us.

It's time to bring the troops home. All of them. Click here to support Bill Richardson's plan to end the war in Iraq.

1 comment:

DCBundtit said...

Looks like our boy is gaining momentum!